Sunday, October 11, 2009

All that remains is the truth

When you have survived an onslaught of what life can sometimes deliver, it's only natural to wonder what on earth has caused this rumble to take place. At this point you must ask yourself what is it in my experience that has been enriched by going through these events? What have I learned? What can I do now to ensure that what happens tomorrow is a more positive state of affairs than what I just lived through?

Though the above statements to some degree make it sound like life "happens" to you, be assured that no event in your experience, none whatsoever, has only to do with external circumstances. There is a dance taking place that you have undertaken to participate in and that dance has you partnering with many other souls on this journey that we consider our lifetime. Although "life" is underappreciated as a concept, for all is alive including every single atom that you touch with any of your senses, our perception of life is a much more narrow concert of the various strings and strains that are occurring within our sphere of influence.

That is where truth comes in. What is truth but an objective description of reality? From our point of view truth can take on as many forms as there are perceptions to shape it. The classic example is to list the details of a particular event from eyewitness accounts, no two of which will ever be exactly the same. The differences in people's priorities, points of attention, and personal values all contribute to create a different version of reality that each person can interpret as truth.

So return to the events alluded to at the beginning of this article. What has taken place in your life recently? Has a loved one suddenly left, has an opportunity vanished, have the lives of the people around you shifted into high drama gear? Whatever form this is taking place in your life, be reassured that there are many changes happening right now all over the planet and there is a massive shift in how people are recognizing that the old patterns no longer work. In other words, what has been a solution in the past, whether it be in the form of an age-old belief or even an institution, whether the trust you placed in a set of traditions no longer supplies the answers as it once did, whether the fear that is being felt as a community towards shared experiences such as the economy or an earthquake, all must be looked at with fresh eyes. Where a generation ago, people went to work for a company and retired from it forty years later, today's reality is that companies are shifting quickly and careers take on many different flavors before they are called complete. The same can be said for relationships, where blended families are much more common than they ever were. There is nothing wrong with observing old-time traditions, and the creation of fine cheeses is but one small tasty example where technology is best left aside. But to cling to an ideal of what life is meant to look like based on ideals from a past generation will not help you deal with your current reality. Are you frustrated with the current state of affairs because deep down it doesn't match with the picture that you grew up with, or one that was portrayed on a favorite TV show? While it's easy to dismiss this concept, it's much more prevalent subconsciously than it first appears.

So we again return to your current situation. As Byron Katie would suggest, look at the truth as it really is rather than the emotional impact of the difference between what you are experiencing and what you believe things should look like. This will lead to a place of acceptance, from which you are more likely to be capable of making decisions based on reason and true intuition rather than emotional upheaval.

And if it's a particularly difficult time for you, remember one eternal message from the bible: "and this too shall pass".

Hugs to you,

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