Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy to be stuck with you

According to the mystics of Eastern religions, as well as the discoveries in quantum physics, everything in the world is constantly moving, shifting, evolving. From a human perspective, we can define this movement as "becoming", with the realization that every decision that we make and action that we take guide us along a continuous, though not straight, path. Even if our surroundings don't seem to point to the fact that our life is changing, the actual reality of it is that nothing stays the same, from one moment to the next.

While this may seem like a self-evident truth, it has been brought to my attention loudly and clearly recently that we don't always recognize that fact. Many of us have chosen to skirt the norms of western society by exploring deeper into our nature, or have had life-altering experiences that demonstrate unequivocally that there is more to life than what we've always imagined. Many of us have then changed the course of our lives to fulfill what we felt had to be our mission in life, since such dramatic changes must have happened for a reason. Many have felt called to a path consisting of healing, helping and serving others along with ourselves, working towards a more peaceful outcome for the planet.

And so many of us, after a time lag from months to several years, find ourselves in a position that doesn't seem that far removed, from an external point of view, from where we were when we first consciously started along this path. We may have traveled, attended insightful conferences, met wonderful people, discussed and discovered more facets of this fascinating reality we find ourselves in, explored alternative medicine, or even, as in the case of someone currently sharing her thoughts and feelings, changed everything about our objective environment, from career to friends to home base.

And despite all this movement, all this growth, all this faith that we were following the path we were meant to find, we consider ourselves essentially "stuck", not really feeling closer to our grand purpose than we were before. We believe in the law of attraction, and yet feel helpless to describe our goal in concrete terms, let alone visualize it, when we strive to follow a map that has been laid before us revealing only one day at a time. This bewildering state of affairs has manifested differently for various people, showing up as impatience, frustration or even despair.

The way to overcome these feelings, I believe, is to look at the situation from a very different perspective. I was reminded today of the analogy of a pot of water on the stove. As the water heats, the molecules start moving faster but are still constricted to the pot. Just before the water reaches the boiling point, there is intensity and chaos occurring in the pot, until finally molecules suddenly escape as steam. The issue is not so much the escape as opposed to the transformational process, the fact that everything up to this point has contributed to readying you for flight. So when you reach that magical moment when you see how your entire life has been a preparation for what lays before you, then you can feel flow. Then you can find a new joy in being where you are, doing your current task, and being surrounded by the people closest to you. You move from waiting for life to happen, to fully living the day that is given to you. And you can appreciate doubly how the next synchronicity falls into your lap, now that you are no longer pushing against what feel like your unmet expectations.

You get to choose how you feel. And the more you choose rather than react to events, the more peace you experience, which then seeps into all the lives you touch.


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