Saturday, October 17, 2009

So happy together

Yesterday I finished reading "The Tao of Physics" by Fritjof Capra, an exploration of the parallels between modern physics and Eastern mysticism. While some of the text is heavily detail-oriented in the matter of particle physics, it's very well written and he arrives at the inescapable conclusion that either path leads to a common endpoint.

It has often been debated whether the scientific view or the spiritual approach provides the "correct" interpretation of this world, with neither side willing to relinquish their deep-set beliefs. But as Capra reminds us, by delving deeply into the experiential results of both disciplines, we arrive at similar conclusions, as supported by his many quotes from scientists and mystics alike.

The more common parallel that we face on a daily basis is whether it is better to use our left brain or our right brain to arrive at a decision. The one will focus on logic and deductive reasoning while the other may offer solutions that were not immediately apparent and may seem irrational.

When starting on a spiritual path, it might behoove us at times to give more of a voice to our intuitive side since most of us have overridden it with a western model of thought our entire lives. But in the end, the real approach is to find a balance between the two, in the same way that you need both knife and fork to slice food. You might want to allow your intuition to draw you in the right direction and your logical mind to address the practicalities of how to get there, as Einstein did to formulate his theories on relativity. Flexibility must also come into play, given what can happen to "the best laid plans". When you encounter an unexpected curve in the road, remember that at all times, the best you can do is make decisions based on the information you have at hand today. Even Ghandi gave himself permission to change the direction of his approach as new information was presented.

It is wonderful to find people with whom we share common interests. It can be fun, uplifting, and supportive. It can also foster exclusivity, a belief that one path is better than another, such as the science vs. spirituality debate. The more we realize that all are essential parts of a whole, that the interrelatedness of every human, animal and plant is what enables us to function, the more we move towards Capra's analogy of our planet as one organic ecology. By promoting cooperation, by releasing artificial boundaries that we've erected, we are better able to understand the unity of all things. I have yet to have a much sought-after experience of true oneness with all, transcending all boundaries, but I do have a choice to make every day in how I think about and behave towards others. Every time I choose compassion, someone else has an opportunity to speak their truth calmly. When presented with non-judgment, people are more liable to feel safe and express those parts of themselves that were heretofore repressed. Every time a dialogue occurs on a platform of love and understanding, new bonds are forged. And healing can occur.

The healing of the planet takes many a hand, and your hand holds a key that no one else possesses. Enjoy the discovery of every other key holder and see what doors you can open together. You may be surprised at what you find and delighted with the new direction that your life might take.

Enjoy the journey,

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